Over the past few years I found myself struggling to make more time to help talents in need of assistance, find the easiest approach to pursuing their art. Unfortunately, almost always, no matter how hard I try, lack of time does not allow me to spend the necessary time needed for helping with assessment, planning and following up.
Instead of lack of time forcing me to give just a little time or deny many who really need the right guidance, after several experiments and life changing success stories, I have decided to designed a program and set aside a session to allow me to privately sit one-on-one with aspiring artists; have a holistic assessment, then share professional suggestions and go into details of the needs of the artist in order to find answers and make wise decisions about their professional and artistic pursuits.
Best Wishes
Please feel free to send questions to unionsquarestudio@earthlink.net.
Or click on the following link for the program description.